A Guardian Angel in My Mind

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  【Abstract】This is a love song singing the family affection. My sister is now study far away, but always a guardian angel in my mind.
  【Key words】Angel; family affection; sister
  In my mind, there is so much love in the world. Sometimes, it is a company that makes us feels warm. Sometimes, it is an encouragement that filled with hope. Sometimes, it is a joy that hidden in the depths of memory. However, there be a guardian angel stays with me, that tells me such beauty in my life.
  When I was a little boy, my sister and I always like playing a trick. She used to grab my toys, while I used to hidden her hairpin. For a long time, sometimes I also could find a few hairpins stacked in the closets or drawers. We were always at war of words, running around the house before dinner, and then scolding each other against the wall. One birthday, she recorded a birthday song for me, and the first sentence was “Happy Birthday, my silly.”
  At that time, we was laughing together, crying together, with heartless. Until she went to elementary school, she did not play with me any more. From then on, our relationship seemed to be getting rusty. Perhaps because of the rebellious adolescence, I have become talked less to my sister.
  However, something happened that changed my mind. One day when I came home from school, I did not notice the traffic in the back. Maybe I was praised by my teacher,that I felt a little proud. I can’t help taking out the prize that the teacher gave me, a soft blue pencil, “Be careful” Suddenly, I heard a loud shout, I just feel like a lot of power coming from behind, I was pulled to the side of road. Because of the sudden inertia, I fell to the ground in all directions. I was crying without knowing what to do, shot a glance at the speeding car. My back was hurt from the force of the fall. Finally, I saw my sister, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time, I understood what had happened then.
  “Is it ok?”An angel voice sounded in my ear. It is her who is my sister. That was so lucky that she was by my stay with me. Afterwards, she picked me up without saying a word.
  The way to our home seemed endless. The sharp pain behind my back made every step of my way so hard that we finally reached the door, and we were both exhausted.
  My sister and I were closer after that day. I felt so lucky that my sister was always been there for me. Weather and rain are unstoppable, we always together without the least hesitation.   That was the entrance examination, my sister did not do well. She was crying in her room alone, when she saw her report. She indulged in grief, forgot how excellent she was. Over the past few weeks, she seemed to a different person and never saw her laugh again.
  I realized I should do something for my sister, just like she used to do for me. I tried to making a plate of apple pie following the TV program. It was so hard for me to cook something, and it is my first time to try to cooking. I scrambled for a while before I finally made a plate of apple pie, which seemed delicious.
  I brought a plate of fruit into her room while she was crying again. I called her name, but she didn’t react. Until I knocked on her desk, that she saw me. She looked at me in surprise, smiling through tears. I said, “something bad will always pass, don’t always indulge in sadness. Remember, tomorrow is another day. And mother always say apples could bring happiness to us, I tried to making some apple pies for you, you would cheer up soon. ”
  Finally, She looked up at me, nodded, took a bite of the apple pie. For a while , she said,“It is the luckiest thing that being your sister, growing up with you, thank you, my brother.”
  Suddenly, I realized that it is the most beautiful thing in the world which called love, make us grow up happily.
  Nowadays, my sister is studying in high school far away, while I am facing the challenge of the entrance examination. However, there is a bond between us wherever we are. I know my sister will always be my guardian angel, with my growth.
  [1]White L.Contagion in Family Affection:Mothers,Fathers,and Young Adult Children[J].Journal of Marriage
【摘要】本文以浙江科技学院汉语国际教育专业研究生为研究对象,主要针对研究生英语课程设置、教学制度、学习动机、自我评价、教学满意度等维度开展问卷调查,然后对该校的研究生英语教学现状的结果进行统计和分析,做出综合评价,最后针对问题提出相应的应对措施以及改进建议。  【关键词】汉语国际教育;研究生英语;问卷调查  【作者简介】赵学德,浙江科技学院外国语学院。  【基金项目】浙江科技学院研究生教学改革研究
【摘要】当前我国社会经济发展迅速,尤其是互联网科技,已被运用到日常生活中的各个方面,也运用到教育教学方面。在高职教学中,尤其在是高职英语教学中,应当主动将互联网技术融入其中,只要这样才能真正促进高职英语教学改革与发展。在当前环境下,找到真正可行的办法,对提高英语教学质量,提高学生学习效率,都有积极促进作用  【关键词】互联网 ;高职;英语教学;改革  【作者简介】邱欣(1983.01-),女,江苏
【摘要】课堂教学是由教师、学生、教学材料和教学环境等要素组成的;教学是教师借助一定的教学环境,运用教学材料影响学生的过程。互动学习是新课程理念下的一種重要的学习方式,不仅可以扎扎实实落在美术课堂中,还可落于每一门可落实的课程中,让每一位学生都能够得到更广阔的发展。本文通过分析几个美术课堂教学案例,为提高中职教育课堂教学质量提供方向。  【关键词】案例;课堂教学;改进;互动学习  【作者简介】王两辉
【摘要】随着时代的发展和进步,现代教育更加重视对学生学科核心素养的培养,而阅读课则是培养初中学生英语学科核心素养的有效方式。充分了解二者之间的关系,同时采取合理的措施来强化阅读课教学,能够有效起到提高学生英语学科核心素养的作用,故而每位初中英语教师应当对此加以高度重视。本文简单分析初中英语阅读课和学科素养间的关系,并就如何通过前者培养学生核心素养展开探讨。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读课;核心素养 
一、写在前面  前几天QQ空间“那年今日”提醒我,四年前的5月22日,我完成了2015级旅游管理专业自主招生班为期两个半天共8节英语体验课的教学任务,写了一篇教学总结。四年后的今天回头看去,当时的课堂设计还是略显稚嫩,不过从课堂氛围来看,那两个半天的体验课还是受到了学生的欢迎和认可。  由于各种原因,当然最主要的原因可能是因为前几年一直忙于技能大赛——2016、2017、2018连续三年都在忙全国
【摘要】词汇是英语学习的基础,也是高中英语教学的重点内容。因此,新时期要想从根本上提升高中英语教学质量,采取有效措施及时优化高中英语词汇教学质量势在必行。鉴于此,本文首先对高中英语词汇教学现状进行了简要分析,并详细探讨了高中英语词汇教学的有效方法,以供参考。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇教学;有效方法  【作者简介】林海蓉,福建省晋江市养正中学。  英语词汇学习重在积累,学生只有在日常学习过程中注重
【摘要】长期以来,人们往往片面强调母语文化对于二语习得的负面干扰作用,忽视母语文化对于二语习得的积极意义,在外语教学中只重视外来文化的介绍,不重视本土文化的渗透,这样容易使学生丧失文化自信和文化自尊,形成崇洋媚外的思想。基于此,本文以小学英语教学为例,以中国传统节日文化的渗透为切入点,针对外语教学中渗透母语文化的重要意义展开论述。  【关键词】小学英语;中国;传统节日;文化;渗透  【作者简介 】
【摘要】《高级英语》不仅是英语专业的必修阅读类课程,而且也是巩固和培养学生全方位能力的一门课程。如何教好这门课程也一直是教师关注的焦点。因此,在传统的教学模式中应融入多种教学方法,其中的语篇分析教学法对于提高学生的学习能力扮演着重要的角色。  【关键词】《高级英语》;语篇分析  【作者简介】高琳,辽东学院国际教育学院;段媛薇,普洱学院外国语学院。  一、高级英语课程的教学现状  《高级英语》是高校