Cross-Language Information Extraction and Auto Evaluation for OOV Term Translations

来源 :中国通信(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dawulitao
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OOV term translation plays an important role in natural language processing.Although many researchers in the past have endeavored to solve the OOV term translation problems, but none existing methods offer definition or context information of OOV terms. Furthermore, non-existing methods focus on cross-language definition retrieval for OOV terms. Never the less, it has always been so difficult to evaluate the correctness of an OOV term translation without domain specific knowledge and correct references. Our English definition ranking method differentiate the types of OOV terms, and applies different methods for translation extraction. Our English definition ranking method also extracts multilingual context information and monolingual definitions of OOV terms. In addition, we propose a novel cross-language definition retrieval system for OOV terms. Never the less,we propose an auto re-evaluation method to evaluate the correctness of OOV translations and definitions. Our methods achieve high performances against existing methods.
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