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  Scene 4From the movie Garfield
  Jon: Hi. WhWhat are you doing here?
  Liz: We’re having dinner, remember?
  Jon: Right! R…Dinner. Th…The two of us. Tonight. Of course.
  Liz: ①Shall I come in?
  Jon: Yeah! Yeah, ②come on in. Uh, you know, uh, Liz, ③I have a confession. Uh, uh, it’s not really a confession. It’s more of an 1)admission. It’s a . You know what it is? It’s like a, uh . It’s like a 2)declaration. I have a…a…d….
  Liz: I love it when you do that.
  Jon: Do what?
  Liz: You know. ④Trip over yourself. It’s cute. It’s one of the reasons I had a crush on you in high school.
  Jon: You had a crush on me?
  Liz: Yeah. I thought you were really cute, decent. Not like all those other jerks.
  Jon: ⑤I don’t believe it. I…l had a crush on you too.
  Liz: Isn’t that funny?
  Jon: Yeah. ⑥Hilarious.
  Liz: So, um, what’s your confession, admission, declaration?
  Jon: Actually, um…l forgot about our dinner. [Chuckles] Yeah.
  Liz: [Laughs] Oh, that’s OK. You know, I can…l can go.
  Jon: No. No, I’ml’m glad you’re here. Let me just, uh, get my jacket, and then we’dl go.
  乔恩:实际上呢,呃……我忘了我们今天晚餐的约定了,[咯咯地笑] 就是这样。
  丽兹:[大笑] 哦,没关系,那我就回去咯。
  Smart Sentences
  ① Shall I come in? 我可以进去吗?
  Shall I : a formal and polite way to ask for permission(问对方意愿的正式表达方式),现口语中多用Can I ?
  e.g. Shall I go with you?(我可以与你一起去吗?)
  ② Come on in. 快进来。
  come on in: used to encourage someone to come in without hesitation(鼓励他人进来,不必犹豫),多用来表达说话者的热情。
  e.g. Come on in, Nancy. We’re been waiting for you.(南希,快进来。我们已经在等你了。)
  ③ I have a confession. 我得坦白一件事。
  confession: the act of admitting a feeling or sth. you did(承认感受的存在或你做过的事)
  e.g. I have a confession as to what happened last week. (关于上周发生的事,我得坦白。)
  ④ Trip over yourself. 说话结巴。
  trip: can’t talk smoothly trip over your tongue(说话结巴,舌头打结)
  e.g. He often gets so drunk his tongue trips.(他喝酒常常喝到舌头打结。)
  ⑤ I don’t believe it. 我不敢相信。
  I don’t believe it: it’s so incredible that it’s hard for me to conceive it(事情太不可思议,很难让我相信)
  Similar expressions: I can’t believe it. / It’s unbelievable.
  ⑥ Hilarious. 真搞笑。
  Hilarious: things are very funny and make you laugh.(事情很有趣,让人发笑。)
  Similar expressions: Very funny. / Highly amusing.
  The Art of Communicating Effectively 有效沟通的艺术
  Communication is a skill that must be learned like any others. Most of us are fortunate enough to be born with the basic capacity to speak and hear, but to learn the advanced art of communicating requires much more. It demands that you are clear about your own thoughts and feelings, that you are willing to tell the truth about them, that you have the skill to express them effectively and that you have the capacity to listen to your partner’s truth without defensiveness or judgment.
  There are ten basic steps you can follow to communicate effectively. These steps will enable you to get your message across clearly, whether requesting something trivial or monumental[有重要意义的] from your partner, expressing anger or minor[轻微的] irritation[怒气], or pronouncing an emotion or simple pleasure. The intensity of the message is irrelevant[无关的], since these steps apply to any exchange of information you wish to make.
  1. Know what you want to communicate. 知道自己想要沟通什么
  Sort out what exactly you want to say to someone, so that you do not get stuck in the nonwords (“um,”“hmm,”“uh”“well”) and dilute[使变弱] your message.
  2. Know what outcome you want from the conversation. 清楚想要通过沟通达成的结果
  You need to know if your aim is to deliver information, get information, explore options, or create action. Knowing the purpose and desired outcome of the communication will keep you aligned[成一线] with your message.
  3. Choose the right time and place. 选择合适的时间和场合
  So often, people rush to deliver their message without first asking if the other person is in the frame of mind to hear it. Be sure to approach your partner when he or she has the time and the capacity to listen and ensure that the environment is appropriate.
  4. Release the emotion surrounding the message. 释放信息附带的情绪
  This will allow you to be more in control of what you want to say. Find some way to release the charge (vent[发泄] to a friend, write it out, exercise, go to a recycling center[垃圾回收中心] and smash[打碎] glass, etc.) so that you can allow the recipient to focus on the content of what you are saying rather than your emotion.
  5. Set the stage. 设定沟通环境
  Lay your groundwork[根基]. Let the recipient know that the purpose of your communication is to put him or her in the right frame of mind. If appropriate, share your feelings about addressing this particular communication. For example, “I feel uncomfortable addressing this, however, I need to ask you something…”
  6. Speak from your feelings (rather than judgments). 以个人感受(而不是判断)的角度发话
  This will keep you focused on your truth and still allow you to communicate with love. Messages delivered with sincerity generally command more attention and respect.
  7. Deliver your message in syntax and language that the recipient can understand. 以对方能够理解的语言句法来表达
  Present your reality in a manner that makes sense to the other person, one he or she can relate to. If you are delivering information or expressing a thought, present it as a statement. If you require input or information, pose it as a question. Confusing the two blurs[使模糊] the issue and puzzles[使困惑] the recipient as to what is expected of him or her.
  8. Ask for confirmation, clarification, and feedback. 征求确认、澄清和反馈信息
  This will open the dialogue between you and your recipient and show you that your message was clearly delivered.
  9. Switch roles as necessary. 在必要时刻转换角色
  After you ask for feedback, you need to then move from “ommunicator”to “recipient”so that the other person can communicate his or her reality to you.
  10. Obtain closure. 结案陈词
  Acknowledge the agree-upon outcome and solidify[巩固] how it will be deployed[开展] by each person.

1. Who organized the first Olympic Games?  谁创办了奥运会?    2. Where is the birthplace of the Olympic Games?  奥运会的发祥地在哪里?    3. At which Olympic Games did China first win a gold medal?  中国在哪届奥运会上获得历史上的首枚金牌
Taking out Lunch    有读者来信说,她有一位刚来的“老外”同事,因为初来乍到,对附近不是很熟,所以午餐时,她很想帮他点餐,可是却不知道怎么说。其实,在编辑部也有这样的情况呢,Greg刚来的时候,也经常为不知到哪里吃午餐发愁。不过,幸好,有热心的Sally。  Sally: Hi, Greg, what are you doing for lunch today?  嗨,Greg,
Samantha: Alright, for shopping we have a bunch of options.We could just cruise around and window shop; we could head into one of the big department stores, or if you want the real American experience
终于放下沉重的行李,登上飞机,我们也来享受一下飞机上的各种服务吧!    请问一下,现在距离飞机着陆还有多长时间?  Excuse me, how long until we land?    飞机餐什么时候开始供应呢?  What time will the meal be served?    对不起,我点的是一份素食套餐。  I’m sorry, I requested a vegetari
Scene 2: From the movie Bewitched  剧情简介:女巫伊莎贝尔放弃魔法世界的生活来到人间后,一次偶遇被过气明星杰克怀亚特看中。怀亚特对她耸鼻子的绝技念念不忘,认定她就是他新片《家有仙妻》中女主角的最佳人选。在他的劝说下,伊莎贝尔决定接受她在人间的第一份工作—演员。影片开拍后,伊莎贝尔发现自己不仅爱上了这份工作,也开始渐渐爱上这个总是让人啼笑皆非的男人。可不久后,她却发
又到“十一”黄金周!虽然关于“黄金周”是否应该保留的争辩不绝于耳,不过难得七天假期,我们应该好好计划一下。在这个过程中,准备一些锦囊妙句还是十分必要的。不然在机场兜兜转转,误了班机就不好啦!    查查起飞时刻表以确保你找对了登机口。  Check the departures board to make sure you go to the right gate.    请问你有多少袋行李要办理
随着北京奥运的倒计时剩下不到365天,人们对这一盛事也更加关注,连外国朋友也对北京奥运产生了不少疑问。小编摘录了其中最常见的问题和回答。假如你也遇上这些“问题”老外,你会怎么回答呢?大家不妨参照“口语关键词”开口练习一下吧!    Q: I really want to go to Beijing to watch the Games! When can I get the tickets and
美国希尔顿集团女继承人帕丽斯因醉驾停牌后照样飙车而被判入狱23天。小编节选了她出狱后的第一个电视专访,这个podcast在网上点击率很高。帕丽斯声称监狱生活让她获益良多,她要重新做人。    King: The obvious—the purpose of 1)jail—prison, jail, 2)confinement—is to teach a lesson.  Hilton: Yes. 
Robbie: Hey, Sam.Rise and shine! Ready for a day of 1)tramping around the city?  Samantha: Yeah, where does Celia want to meet?  Robbie: Can you swing by my place and pick her up? I’ve got to run to w
From the Movie Meet Joe Black  选自电影《情约今生》    故事梗概:苏珊·帕里希是媒体大亨威廉·帕里希的女儿。在她父亲65岁生日的前一天,她遇到了一个名叫乔·布莱克的男子,让她怦然心动。但在拐角之处,乔被汽车撞死了。苏珊没有目睹这一幕,但情愫已暗暗种下。原来是死神取走了乔的性命,要借他的身体来阳世走一遭。于是,乔复活了,来到苏珊家里。他以延长威廉的阳寿为条件,要威廉