The elementary discussion on the context teaching in junior middle school English vocabulary teachin

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  摘 要:vocabulary is the basis of English learning, and it plays a very important role in junior middle school English teaching. The meaning of words often needs to be determined by the context. This paper introduces the context theory and analyzes the application of context in English Vocabulary Teaching of junior high school.
  关键词:context theory;junior middle school;English vocabulary teaching
  1 Introduction
  Vocabulary teaching plays an important role in English Teaching in junior middle school. It can help students to master vocabulary, improve students' autonomous learning ability and improve the efficiency of English vocabulary teaching. In the following, the author intends to make a brief discussion on the application of context theory in Junior high school English vocabulary teaching.
  2 A Brief Introduction on Context theory
  The term "context" was first proposed by Malinowski in 1923. He divides the language environment into two aspects: "cultural context" and "situational context". The "cultural context" refers to the social and cultural context in which the speaker lives; the "situational context" refers to what has actually happened when he speaks. In our country, Hu Zhuanglin divides context into three parts: linguistic context, which refers to the structure and logical coherence of the discourse itself; the cultural context and social context involved in the discourse, which refers to the specific scenes, events and participants involved in the discourse.
  3Applications of Context Theory in English Vocabulary Teaching
  3.1 With the help of context to determine the words’ meaning
  Language is an important part of culture, also has a very close relationship with the culture of the difference between Chinese and English language. The meaning of most words is affected by the same words in different cultural context. Such as "dog" (the dog) , in Chinese, "dog" may be derogatory, such as “走狗”, “狗嘴里吐不出象牙” and so on; but in English "dog" (dog) use the word with a good meaning, such as "every dog has his day, 人人皆有得意时)", "a lucky dog" (幸运儿) ". So the teachers should pay attention to these words with the context to guide students to understand the correct meaning of vocabulary.
  3.2With the help of the context to guess g the words’ meaning
  In junior high school English vocabulary teaching, teachers can use context theory, to guide students to understand the true meaning of words, so that students can improve the ability to use vocabulary. Such as:   Tom: Lucy, do you like the movie Hero?
  Lucy: Wow, the movie is really bad, I want to watch it again.
  When we read this sentence that we do not understand, whether Lucy think the film is good or not good? Why would you like to see? In fact, "bad" here is not "terrible", in English slang refers to "too good", because of wow, surprise or admiration of Italy, combined with the back, here can be understood that she very like the film, so, "bad" in this translated into "good"
  3.3With the help of the context to choose g the words’ meaning
  In the English vocabulary polysemy is relatively common , such as mentioned above, the "cloudy", the surface meaning is cloudy and another meaning is dim, if used to describe the mood can understand the scowl on his face in the traditional. So teachers in vocabulary teaching first of all to train students to use the context to choose the meaning of consciousness, so as to enable students to better grasp the vocabulary, thus they can choose the right words to express in communication.
  Teaching has its principle orientation, but no definite method. English teachers in teaching should be "small links, multi stage, multi change, and more encouragement", so that students always feel the fun of learning English, to achieve the ideal state of English teaching.
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  李斯琦(1991.8~ ),女,籍贯:辽宁省营口市,学历:硕士专业:学科教学(英语)。
摘 要:汉字有着重要的交际职能,要发挥其作用,就必须保持汉字的高度统一性,就要严格书写规范绝对不允许各行其是,不能出现半点差误。  关键词:汉字;龙飞凤舞;规范;标准  文字是记录信息的图像符号,在人们的思想交流、社会生活和生产等方面,有着重要的作用。我国是一个以汉族为主的统一的多民族、多语言、多文字的国家,汉族占全国人口的92%,且遍布全国各地。作为汉族交流的书面工具——汉字,其重要的交际作用就
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《索溪峪的“野”》这篇课文,通过描写索溪峪的奇丽风光,赞颂了索溪峪天然野性的美,表达了作者畅游其间无比愉悦的心情。本课的学习重点是在理解课文内容的基础上领悟“抓住事物的主要特点,采用先概括再具體描写”的表达方法。笔者认为教学本课采用“紧扣‘题眼’,学习全文”的方法会达到事半功倍的效果。  一、解题引入,直奔主题  利用课件,出示配以简单介绍词的索溪峪的画面,让学生欣赏画面,感受索溪峪的自然风光,交
摘 要:勤工俭学活动是学校的一项重要工作,为学生实践能力的培养提供了基础和保障,历来受到教育行政部门和学校的重视,但是长期以来小学勤工俭学活动尚未科学、规范化,在实际工作开展中尚存不足,让我们产生了迷茫,特别是贫困的农村小学。新的课程标准下,学生实践能力的培养属于相当重要的地位,但目前尚未建立一套科学完备的勤工俭学制度体系,尤其是农村中小学,由于教育教学条件的限制,勤工俭学的开展更加需要一些指导和
提高复习质量,应从实际出发,有计划地安排。只要切实着眼于语文基础知识和能力的巩固与强化,那么应试水平和基本素质就将同步得到提高。  在这里,我想谈三个值得注意的问题。  一、要明确复习的系统  语文中考复习应从四个方面来抓,语文基础知识、现代文阅读、文言文阅读、写作,四者要统筹兼顾,这是没有疑问的。但前两个方面却很容易产生盲目性,于是一味加重负担、堕入“题海”。所以明确这两方面的复习系统,对提高复
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摘 要:自《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)颁布以来,“自主性”成了幼儿学习以及生活的关键词,《指南》提出:幼儿的学习是在游戏和日常生活中进行的,要珍视游戏和生活的独特价值。在此基础上,自主点心成了幼儿园生活活动的新形式,为幼儿更好的享受生活开辟了新方向。此外,著名教育学家陶行知提出的“生活即教育”理论一直备受人们推崇,他认为:“生活教育是生活所原有,生活所自营,生活所必须的教育。