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  For almost 50 years researchers have tried to link personality types or behavior patterns to the risk for heart disease. We’ve all heard about the driven and highly competitive behavior of people with type A personalities, compared to the more laid-back, noncompetitive characteristics of type Bs. Studies done in the late 1950s linked the type A behavior pattern with a higher risk for heart disease. But later studies failed to prove a link between cardiovascular1 disease and these patterns of behavior. Instead, more and more findings have associated2 an increased risk of heart disease with anger, hostility3 ,surliness, and rudeness. I don’t know if a type C personality or behavior has ever been defined, but you may soon be hearing more about the latest association between an increased risk of heart disease and the type D personality. (The D may stand for “distressed”.)
  A recent report from the Netherlands found that type D personality was associated with a significantly4 increased risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes. Type D individuals tend to experience emotions like hostility, anxiety, anger, depressed mood, tension, and a negative view of themselves. They are likely to be constantly on alert5 for signs of impending trouble and to overreact to stressful events. An equally important factor in the type D personality is the inability to express these emotions, which leads to feeling tense, insecure, and uncomfortable in social situations.
  According to authors of the study, the difference between the type D definition and those for types A and B suggests that “how people cope with negative emotions may be as important as the experience of negative emotions”.
  We all know people who have a type D personality, and some of us may recognize this pattern in ourselves or in family members. We’re not sure what, if anything, can be done about this personality type, however, it does make sense to link people’s negative personality traits with how they cope, or don’t cope, with stressful circumstances and everyday challenges.

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