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  A Month for Sharing Family Love
  At the beginning I'l like to share with you a quote that I have always loved, and one I think of at least once a day. It helps me to remember how important family is, and how cherished they are to my life: “No matter what you're done for yourself or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?”-Lee Iacocca.
  首先,我想和大家分享我一直都挚爱的一句引语,我每天都至少想它一次。它帮助我牢记家庭是多么重要,家人对于我的生命是多么珍贵。那是李•艾科卡曾说的一句话:“无论你已为自己或者全人类做了什么,如果你不能回想起曾给予自己的家庭爱和关心,那么你究竟成就了什么?” (李•艾科卡—近代美国汽车发展史上的传奇人物,昔日美国人心目中的商界偶像)
  1. What does family mean to you?
  Here, some people are eager to speak about their understanding of the family: "people who love each other, who have happiness together and who have arguments every now and then.?
  “you could feel trust and friendliness…loving to be inside the family…laving someone to talk to when you are down…and spending holidays together”
   “It doesn’t really matter who’s in the family. What matters is that you love each other and take care of each other —That’s a Family!”
  Father and mother I love you=Family(fatherand mother l love you=Family (f-fa-ther a-and m-mother i-l l love y-ou) 将这个英文单词如此拆分开来诠释是不是特温馨甜蜜呢?
  From the moment we’re born, until the very day we leave this earth, we are hungry for attention and what life has to offer us. The very first thing we are 1)blessed to see, when we’re born, are the kind and loving (and extremely tired!) eyes of our parents. These are the people who will love us unconditionally and whole-heartedly all the days of our life.
  As a ‘hirty-something'grown-up now, I will tell you that I am reaching a point in my life where it’s even more important to be close to my family. We are all separated by miles, so we don’t get to see each other very often, maybe two times a year. And when I see my family, I notice little things...like those extra gray hairs on my oldest brother’s head; those extra little laugh lines beside my youngest brother’s eyes; the slower way my mother gets around. It brings everything into such 2)crystal-clear, 3)stark focus for me that I want to always cherish and protect the love of my family. I am thankful for them every day of my life. They are the sunshine of the smile that comes across my face when I think of them.
  2. Recalling the sweet memories with your family?
  One of my sweetest memories is when my dad and I would 4)stack wood in the basement of our old house. It was something we had to do every year. It was tough work for a little girl, but what I mostly remember is that I was with my dad, and we talked about things. Not earth-changing topics, but little, everyday things. Things that didn’t really matter at the time, but they actually did matter. It brought us closer together as father and child, and as individuals. He understood things about me, and my feelings, that no one else could. And I, in return, realized that my dad was my hero. The point being, we spent time working, yes, but we spent that time talking and being close to each other, and that is something I will cherish all of my life.
  3. This is a good season to learn to show your affection to your family.
  "We can all learn to show love. The more we practice, the more it comes naturally."
  It’s very important to let your family know how you feel, even if you aren’t the touchy-feelytype of person. Just a sincere look, a touch on the arm, or an I'm so glad you’re here!?will make them feel special and loved. And if they are blessed enough to look into your eyes as you say, "You know, I just love you!"then they are very lucky, and you are too.
  Families were created with imperfections, but we as humans can love "imperfectly."There isn’t a right or wrong way. The important thing to always remember is to love with your heart, and thank God every single day for those people who are just a phone call or a drive away, and know that for all time, they will be a part of us.
  4. How do you spend a meaningful holiday with your family?
  I may rent my favorite holiday films and gather the whole family around for a night of fun that I think will get my family in the 6)spirit of the holidays. And I'm going to 7)serve up the snacks my family loves, to make the evening extra special.
  During this holiday season, I believe it’s very meaningful to take some time to 8)pull out the photo albums and talk with my parents, even grandparents, about our relatives and ancestors. It’s for sure that they’ll love telling stories about the old days, and they’ll 9)get a kick out of showing me old pictures of the family!

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