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  Mobile Film: Create Your Digital Hollywood
  Mobile communications are being transformed from voice to multimedia 1)comprising messaging, Internet access, video and film. These changes are redefining people’s lifestyle and are opening up new 2)frontiers also in filmmaking.
  Mobile filmmaking is a new 3)medium that is not only creative, but also a 4)genre that is recognised for its 5)potential. Cell phone users now have the opportunity to learn how to create their own personal 6)documentaries with their phones, allowing for new kinds of content creation that will contribute to the 7)evolution of documentary filmmaking.
  It’s more than 2,000 years since 8)Aristotle discovered the phenomenon of the 9)persistence of vision. The very first moving pictures appeared just over 100 years ago and, since then, the technology of moving pictures has been 10)accelerating on an 11)exponential scale. The cameras of a hundred years ago were as big as a refrigerator, cost a fortune and the pictures were 12)grainy, 13)flickery, black and white with no sound.
  But now people can carry a camera that’s 1,000 times better than that in the palm. Because it’s built into the cell phone, it adds no extra weight. What’smore, it’s with people all day, every day. Just grab it, aim, and shoot whenever the 14)inspiration strikes. Then they can send the recording to friends or share it on the Internet at any time.
  There is no limit to what you can do with a mobile phone camera. Mobile filmmaking can help you share wonderful moments; if your aunt, for example, can’t be at the birthday, she can still see the candles being blown out just as if she were there. If you 15)chance on a newsworthy event, you can immediately record it. And maybe even sell the result for a small fortune!
  There’s more. Much more. With a mobile phone camera someone might be the next 16)Spielberg! It’s the perfect device for learning the art of filmmaking. With its instant editing and playback, it can help people to develop their filmmaking skills.
  While Hollywood famed studios 17)plot movies for big screens and 18)scoop the biggest awards, filmmakers for the “third screenare fast emerging as various awards for mobile films too are 19)popping up these years.
  Commenting on the new genre, an 20)executive from Discovery Networks Asia said, “Anyone with basic knowledge of how a mobile phone works is able to shoot their own mobile film and capture the world around them.”
  对于这种新型电影,探索亚洲电视网(Discovery Networks Asia)的一位行政高层评论道:“任何对手机运作有基本认识的人都能创作自己的手机电影,并能捕捉到他们身边的世界。”

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