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  Find out if you’re style-obsessed, effort-lessly fabulous or carefree with couture.
  Your idea of a perfect day is:
  a. Hanging out with friends at the mall, finding a great new pair of earrings and going to a movie
  b. Plowing through store racks to find the triple-markdown jeans that have been haunting you in your sleep
  c. Playing soccer, spending time with friends and generally being as far away from the mall as possible
  When you get dressed for school, you:
  a. Put on one fun accessory to go with your outfit, making it look uniquely adorable
  b. Try on at least a dozen things before you decide on exactly the right cuteness combo, and then tear out of the door because you’re running late again
  c. Throw on whatever’s cleanish
  If you see a picture of your favorite celeb looking particularly amazing, you:
  a. Notice the great top she’s wearing and think that maybe you should try that color sometime
  b. Study every detail of her clothing and go online to see if you can buy the boots/sunglasses/bag she’s wearing
  c. Glance at it, maybe show it to your friends, and then forget about it
  The best part of prom is:
  a. Getting all dressed up and having a big night out with your friends
  b.Shopping for weeks to find the perfect dress (and then returning it when you find an even cooler one the day before)
  c. The dance floor!
  If you were to guesstimate the number of pairs of jeans in your closet, it would be closest to:
  a. Seven, but it could be more like five
  b. No guessing---- you’ve got exactly 16 pairs
  c. Three, and that’s rounding up
  Your favorite types of movies are:
  a. Classics and independent releases
  b. Chick flicks with big-name stars
  c. Blockbuster action flicks
  The most important function your handbag needs to perform is:
  a. Holding your stuff (while looking cute)
  b. Being the finishing touch for your look, even if that means it only holds your lip gloss and house key
  c. Handbag? You mean back-pack, right?
  The saying "fashionably late" means:
  a. Arriving about 20 minutes after everyone else
  b. Showing up when everyone’s already there in order to make sure all eyes are on you when you make your grand entrance
  c. You’re “officially” late, but no one is bugged about it
  Off the playing field and out of the gym, you wear sneakers:
  a. Sometimes, depending on your mood
  b. When you’re going for a “sporty casual” look
  c. All the time
  If you see someone walking down the street and you like her skirt, you:
  a. Compliment her and make a mental note
  b. Stop her in her tracks, tell her you love her skirt, and ask her who makes it and where she bought it
  c. Smile and think maybe you should try wearing skirts more often
  You go to a party on Saturday night. Your friend shows up wearing the same shrunken blazer. You:
  a. Go up to her and compliment her awesome taste
  b. Confront her and demand that she take the jacket off---- you got there first!
  c. Think, “Who cares? It’s just a jacket.”
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