本期译出JAMA、Circulation两著名期刊记者有关Furchgott等3名科学家因发现NO活性而荣获诺贝尔奖金的报道。我们以这一举世瞩目为实例,援引两刊记者的话,重复强调科学成果评价标准中最重要的2条:①创新。记者介绍:“他们发现NO由一个细胞产生,穿过膜而调节其他一些细胞的功能,这是生物系统信号转递方面一个全新的原理”。②意义广泛、带基本性的重要意义。记者介绍,Lasker评审团主席说“Murad和Furchgott获奖是因为他们的研究结果是影响循环生理的一项带基本性的结果;这是一项带基本性的观察”。 记者还介绍,诺贝尔奖金评审团推重3位科学家执着地证明,内源性气体,也是自由基,NO有这样一种至关重要的生物学作用。他们的研究证实NO在调节血压、免疫系统功能的发挥和功能低下,中枢神经系统活化(从胃活动到记忆,行为,其作用广泛)等基本生物过程中起关键性作用。
This issue translated JAMA, Circulation two famous journalists about Furchgott and other scientists for the discovery of NO activity and three scientists won the Nobel Prize coverage. Taking this world-wide attention as an example, we quote the two reporters' words and repeatedly emphasize the two most important criteria in the evaluation of scientific achievements: ① innovation. Reporter: “They found that NO is produced by one cell that traverses the membrane and regulates the function of some other cells, a completely new principle in the biological system's signaling.” ② wide range of meanings, with basic significance. According to a press introduction, the chairman of the Lasker jury said “Murad and Furchgott were awarded the prize because their findings are a fundamental result of circulatory physiology; this is a basic observation.” Reporters also introduced the Nobel Prize jury pushed three scientists to persistently prove that endogenous gases, but also free radicals, NO has such a vital biological role. Their research confirms that NO plays a pivotal role in the regulation of blood pressure, the functioning and dysfunction of the immune system, basic biological processes such as central nervous system activation (from gastric activity to memory, behavior, and its role).