根据我校的具体情况,我们采取了以实验教材为主、统编教材为辅的方式进行教改实验。现结合实验情况谈几点体会: 培养正确、迅速、灵活的计算能力是小学数学教学的一个主要目的。三年级下学期的重点是整数除法,难点是试商,这部分内容我们是按统编教材进行教学的。以除数是整十、整百的除法计算题为基础,讲清算理,然后进一步讲多位数除以一般的两位数、
According to the specific circumstances of our school, we adopted the experimental teaching materials, compiled textbooks supplemented by way of teaching reform experiment. Now with the experimental situation to talk about some experience: training correct, rapid and flexible computing power is a primary goal of primary school mathematics teaching. The third grade next semester focuses on the integer division, the difficulty is to try, this part of the content we teach according to the system of teaching. The divisor is the whole ten, the whole hundred division calculation basis, clarify the calculation, and then further say multi-digit divided by the general two-digit,