关于财富,我们的老祖宗的态度有些暧昧,一方面他们提倡“君子耻于言利”、“君子之交淡如水”,另一方面又告诉我们:“君子爱财,取之有道。” 看来,谁也无法阻碍人们内心中对财富的渴望。 比如清华,在中关村周围院校的觉醒过程中,清华远不如中科院、北大来得早:中关村最早的企业是中科院研究员陈春先创办的城乡信用社,两通两海以及联想、希望也与中科院有着千丝万缕的联系,而北大办企业的历史追溯起来可以到1985年。在这方面,清华是不折不扣的后来者,1988年,清华的第一个企业才诞生。不过,论起对中关村,对中国信息产业的贡献,清华如今都能抬起骄傲
As for wealth, our ancestors are ambiguous. On the one hand, they advocate that “gentlemen are ashamed of words and deeds,” “the friendship of gentlemen is as light as water.” On the other hand, they tell us: “gentlemen love money and take proper measures.” It seems that no one can hinder people's inner desire for wealth. Such as Tsinghua University, Zhongguancun in the wake of the awakening of colleges and universities, Tsinghua University far less than the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University came early: Zhongguancun earliest enterprises founded by the CAS researcher Chen Chunxian urban and rural credit cooperatives, two networks and associations, hope and Chinese Academy of Sciences have thousands However, the history of Peking University's enterprises can be traced back to 1985. In this regard, Tsinghua University is a real latecomer, in 1988, Tsinghua's first business was born. However, on Zhongguancun, the contribution to China's information industry, Tsinghua can now lift pride