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目前,在物理课堂教学中,我们常发现两种现象:第一.教师对课堂教学过多地注重了认知方面的传授.忽视了教师自身的情感投入.常表现为教师的主导情绪状态平淡、低落.情绪表现贫乏、无力.不能充分把握教材中的情感因素.致使课堂教学显得干涩、枯燥、表面化.教材中有些深刻的底蕴和丰富的内涵得不到良好发挥.第二.教师在课堂教学过程中.只注重机械地对物理学理论的表述和应用、忽视了对学生进行物理学科学方法的教育和训练.常表现为学生不能作为教学活动的主体.积极参与探索、观察、思维、讨论等各种有意义的活动之中.缺乏应用知识去进行创造性劳动的方法,使学生在掌握知识的过程中.智力和能力得不到充分的发展.学生的科学素质不强.为了处理和解决好上述问题.在探究和寻找提高物理课堂教学效果的方法和途径时.必须对以下两个策略引起高度的重视. At present, in the physics classroom teaching, we often find two phenomena: First, teachers pay too much attention to the teaching of cognition in the classroom teaching. They neglect the teacher’s own emotional input. Often, the teacher’s dominant emotional state is dull. , low. Emotional performance is poor, powerless. Can not fully grasp the emotional factors in the teaching materials, resulting in classroom teaching seems dry, boring, superficial. Some profound teaching materials and rich connotations are not well played. Second. Teachers in the classroom In the teaching process, only the mechanical representation and application of physics theories are neglected, and the education and training of students in physics scientific methods are neglected. It is often manifested that students cannot be the subject of teaching activities and actively participate in exploration, observation, thinking, In various meaningful activities such as discussion, the lack of application of knowledge to creative labor methods enables students to acquire knowledge in the process. The intelligence and ability are not fully developed. The students’ scientific quality is not strong. To deal with Solve the above problems. When exploring and finding ways and means to improve the effectiveness of physics classroom teaching, it must be caused by the following two strategies. Highly valued.
同化理论是近年来应用比较广泛的一种学习理论,它把人的有意义学习分为三种同化模式,应用同化理论指导生物学概念教学有着重要的理论和实践意义。 Assimilation theory is a w
笔者在高考复习中发现江苏省 1 997年普通高等学校单独招生考试数学试题的最后一题 ,即第 2 5题是一道病题 .原题是这样的 :已知圆 C:x2 +y2 - 1 0 x =0 ,过原点的直线l被圆