Dual-band left-handed metamaterials fabricated by using tree-shaped fractal

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaezhu1111
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A method of fabricating dual-band left-handed metematerials(LHMs) is investigated numerically and experimentally by single-sided tree-like fractals.The resulting structure features multiband magnetic resonances and two electric resonances.By appropriately adjusting the dimensions,two left-handed(LH) bands with simultaneous negative permittivity and permeability are engineered and are validated by full-wave eigenmode analysis and measurement as well in the microwave frequency range.To study the multi-resonant mechanism in depth,the LHM is analysed from three different perspectives of field distribution analysis,circuit model analysis,and geometrical parameters evaluation.The derived formulae are consistent with all simulated results and resulting electromagnetic phenomena,indicating the effectiveness of the established theory.The method provides an alternative to the design of multi-band LHM and has the advantage of not requiring two individual resonant particles and electrically continuous wires,which in turn facilitates planar design and considerably simplifies the fabrication. A method of fabricating dual-band left-handed metematerials (LHMs) is investigated numerically and experimentally by single-sided tree-like fractals. The resulting structure features multiband magnetic resonances and two electric resonances. (LH) bands with simultaneous negative permittivity and permeability are engineered and are validated by full-wave eigenmode analysis and measurement as well in the microwave frequency range. To study the multi-resonant mechanism in depth, the LHM is analyzed from three different perspectives of field distribution analysis, circuit model analysis, and geometrical parameters evaluation.The derived formulae are consistent with all simulated results and resulting electromagnetic phenomena, indicating the effectiveness of the established theory. The method provides an alternative to the design of multi-band LHM and has the advantage of not requiring two individual resonant particles and electrically contin uous wires, which in turn facilitates planar design and optionally simplifications the fabrication.
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