De Lange氏综合征由Corelia de Lange于1933年首先报告。病因不明,多数人认为是由于基因突变所致或为常染色体隐性遗传。临床特征......
Background -Data on the Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome(J-LN), the long-QT syndrome(LQTS) variant associated with dea......
A 3D unsteady state numerical model of heat transfer in the laser circular cutting of pipe was developed,using the self......
A 4–9 GHz wideband high power amplifier is designed and fabricated,which has demonstrated saturated output power of 10 ......
A wide band (24–40 GHz) fully integrated balanced low noise amplifier (LNA) using Lange couplers was designed and fabri......
Was auch immer kommen mag,ich halte zu dir.不管发生什么事,我都会站在你一边的。Das werden wir fertig machen,komme,was wol......
An 8-18 GHz broadband high power amplifier(HPA) with a hybrid integrated circuit(HIC) is designed and fabricated.This HP......
病例 患儿,女,5(1/2)月。主因生长发育落后入院。第一胎,足月顺产,生后无窒息,无病理性黄疸。出生体重2.3kg,身长45cm,生后人工喂......
1 临床资料患儿女,6个月,因“反复吃奶后呛咳6个月”于1999年3月3日入院。患儿出生不久即出现奶后呛咳,偶伴面色发绀,常伴有喷射性呕吐,量多,不含......
Ich lebte auf eincr Insel,die war ganz anders als die Inseln,die ihr kennt. Nachmittags pünktlich um fünf flogen die P......
介绍了单平衡混频器和Lange耦合器的工作原理,基于0.15μm GaAs PHEMT工艺技术,设计了一款Ka波段单平衡宽带混频器芯片,仿真结果显......
The boninite series volcanic rocks, mainly com- posed of basaltic andesite, andesitic lava breccia and andesite porphy......
Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view......
American Chemical Society,1964.Chemistry and the oceans.Chem.Eng.News Spec.Rep.48 p.Hill,M.N.(Ed.)1963.The sea,Vol.Ⅱ,p......
斯凯孚(SKF)近日宣布完成对法国著名轴承厂商Société Nouvelle de Fabrication Aéronautique(SNFA)集团的整合工作,并将SNFA品......
由2004年开始,每年去瑞士采访两大表展都会跟《Jet》杂志的总编辑曾金成一起。今年是阵容最鼎盛的一年,他还带了 Ringo 同行。而......
A.Lange & Sohne的重生故事,在钟表界一直为人津津乐道。这个始创于1845年的钟表品牌,凭着第一个以数理概念为设计基础的3/4夹板、......
165年来,Glash(u|¨)tte Original‘格拉苏蒂’这个名字一直都象征着高品质制表、德式的严谨和精致的设计。其纯正工艺的技巧和价......
在纪念创始人费尔迪南多·阿道夫·朗格(Ferdínand Adolf Lange)的200周年诞辰之际,朗格在北京举行纪念活动,当代最具国际影响力......
丹麦Hvidavre大学医院的Dr. Peter Lange及其同事们在Thorax杂志上报告,吸入皮质类固醇不仅可控制症状,似乎还可改善哮喘患者的自然......
武汉新芯集成电路制造有限公司在3月的Semicon China上公布了新的企业识别标志与名称,英文简称XMC。XMC于2006年作为附属代工厂成...... 163,Pages 1-488(1 February 2016)(1)A pattern-based autom......
Opening of an early Paleozoic limited oceanic basin in the northern Altyn area: Constraints from pla
This paper reports petrological and geochemical features and zircon U-Pb age of plagiogranite from the Hongliugou-Lapeiq......
Die Grundlagen des Attischen Seebundes wurden zwischen Herbst 478 und Frühjahr 477 v. Chr. gelegt, als zwischen den att......
在白蘑菇[Agaricus bisporus(Lange)Sing]栽培过程中,从备料、培养到出菇,约4—6个月,这期间经常发生许多的病害,影响产量,本文按......
We are very grateful for the letter written by Dr Lange,and indeed apologize for the mistakes noted in the word-ing of ......
As one of the mélanges in the southern side of the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone,the Saiqu mélange in southern Tibet is i......
On the basis of superelement model, Cahn’s transformation kinetics theory and Scheil’s additivity rule, actual γ/α t......
The photoluminescence (PL) and photostimulated luminescence (PSL) of BaFBr:Eu phosphors are reported. In the photolumine......