目的调查山东地区家长对儿童错畸形早期预防的关注度。方法随机选择780名自2014年3—10月于山东大学口腔医院儿童牙病科就诊儿童的家长进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷752份,其中乳牙期445名,替牙期307名。结果 1家长对遗传因素的关注度偏低,其中有家族遗传史的家长关注度高于无家族遗传史的家长;2在早期预防的可控环境因素中,家长的关注度依次为饮食习惯、口腔不良习惯、乳牙疾病,呼吸系统疾病;3从美观与心理方面,家长更加关注对美观的影响;4乳牙期家长更关注儿童的饮食习惯,而替牙期家长更关注儿童的口腔不良习惯及心理健康。结论山东地区家长对错 畸形早期预防的关注度偏低,普及预防知识、加强家长的早期预防意识十分必要。
Objective To investigate the parents’ awareness of the early prevention of malformations and deformities in children in Shandong Province. Methods A total of 780 parents of children from Pediatric Dentistry Department of Stomatology, Shandong University from March to October 2014 were randomly selected to conduct a questionnaire survey. 752 valid questionnaires were returned, of which 445 were primary teeth and 307 were teeth during dentition. Results 1 The parents paid little attention to the genetic factors, and the parents who had a family history had a higher degree of attention than those who did not have a family history. 2 Among the controllable environmental factors of early prevention, the parents’ attention were eating habit, Oral health problems, dental decay, respiratory diseases; 3 from the aesthetic and psychological aspects, parents pay more attention to the aesthetic impact; 4 deciduous parents are more concerned about children’s eating habits, and tooth care parents are more concerned about children’s bad oral habits and Mental health. Conclusion Parents in Shandong Province pay little attention to the early prevention of malformations, popularize prevention knowledge and strengthen parents’ awareness of early prevention.