Ming, female, 42 years old. Tremor appeared when limbs quiesced 8 months earlier, aggravated by agitation, and disappeared during sleep. Nearly three months to multilingual, irritability, anxiety, sleepless, slow walking, stiff body, increased tremor, admitted on December 15, 1986. Previous history of fever without convulsions, no thyroid disease and a positive family history. Full-term patients with obstetrical, intelligent since childhood. Physical examination: short body, thyroid is not large, no vascular noise. Chrostek’s sign (a), Trousseau’s sign (a). Mask face, dull expression, childish temperament, low intelligence. Limb muscle strength is normal, muscle tension is gear-like, resting tremor, walking at the beginning of the hedge gait, less swinging upper limbs, common motion, extremity pathology (a). New diagnosis: Parkinson’s syndrome. Check blood and urine after admission