This article expounds on Ezra Pound\s translation anthology,Cathay by elaborating how he recreated classic Chinese poet......
Meso-Cenozioc Tectonic Attribute of Southern China and Folding of the Nanhua (South Cathay) Orogenic
The Meso-Cenozoic tectonic attribute of southern China is a continental tridirectional orogenic belt formed by subsynch......
【正】 Ethyl acetate is an important downstreamproduct of acetic acid.It is also an importantgreen organic solvent.It is......
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The prominent features of Li Bai’s “The Jewel Stairs’Grievance” are precise diction;implicit meaning;an absent narra......
巴斯奈特(Susan Bassentt)曾提出,20世纪70年代翻译研究的关键词是“历史”。对此,勒弗菲尔(Itamar Even-Zohar)提出了翻译的多元......
China’s aviation growth has been sky-high for decades now, but is a reckoning on the horizon? Shortages threaten future......
部份外团触港领事能索引香港部,分旅行社索引七尸 名稠-一一哪_星晨旅避有限公司73阳艺68博瞥旅遨有限公司7351韶1水高旅游有限公......
At the invitation of the PernikCity Government of Bul-garia and the Organizing Com-mittee of the International Folk-lor......
At the invitation of the Hameenlinna Cultural Centre of Finland, the Folklore Association of the Czech Republic, the Bel......
Introduction Perhaps,no discussion of Ezra Pound’s Cathay would be relevant and truly productive without tracing it to ......
On April 18th,2009 Yankuang Cathay Chemical Co,Ltd,(Yankuang Cathay) com-menced the construction of its third phase 400......
【正】 The top 500 Chinese chemical companiesfor 2010 (Top 500) were selected by theChina Chemical Enterprises Managemen......
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Long-chain dicarboxylic acids refer to aliphaticdicarboxylic acids with carbon chainscontaining more than 10 carbon ato......
【正】 The biggest use of acetic acid is to make vinyl acetate monomer,which can be used to produce protective coatings,......
美国诗人埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound1885—1972),生于爱达荷州,1908年赴英成为伦敦现代派诗人领袖。第二次世界大战中为法西斯作宣......
埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Weston Loomis Pound)在厄内斯特·费诺罗萨(Ernest Fenollosa)的笔记基础上,整理、翻译、挑选了十九首中国古......
Yankuang Group is ready to restart the effortto list its coal-based chemical business,which has been postponed for a ye......
Cathay is an anthology full of Pound’s comprehension of Chinese “image” and “romantic charm” reflective of American......
As a leading figure of Imagism in the early 20th century, in 1905, Pound creatively translated Chinese classical poetry ......
本文从民族迁徙和文化传播的角度论证了英语中China一词是起源于春秋时期的秦国国名“秦” ,而非秦朝的“秦”。“秦”和“秦国”......
在大量比较国内外口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)流行毒株序列的基础上自行设计了检测FMDV通用型引物及FMDV AsiaⅠ型、O型口蹄疫病毒不同基因型即......