A Hybrid Approach towards the Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Potability: A Fuzzy Logic and GI

来源 :地理信息系统(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rachieyu
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The present study aims to develop a new hybrid Fuzzy Simulink model to assess the groundwater quality levels in Tiruchirappalli city, South India. Water quality management is an important issue in the modern times. The data collected for Tiruchirappalli c
数学具有对称美,在不少图形与数式的外形上,如能灵活地运用对称思想处理某些题目,其解饶有回味,能收到较好功效,下面略举数例: 例1 (选择题)
有这样一道题:已知:f(x)=ax~2-c,且4≤f(-1)≤-1,-1≤f(2)≤5,则f(3)的取值范围是﹎﹎﹎ 较多的学生解法如下: 解 由题设 由①得:1≤c-a≤4 ③ 由②+③:0≤a≤3(?)0≤9a≤27
《立体几何》(必修)第117页第2题(以下简称原题)为: 如图1,AB是圆O的直径,PA垂直于圆O所在的平面,C是圆周上的任意一点.求证△PAC所在平面垂直于△PBC所在的平面.
Cloud computing is one of the main issues of interest to the scientific community of the spatial data. A cloud is referred to computing infrastructure for a rep
Water samples from streams, hand-dug wells and boreholes in high background radiation areas in Abeokuta, Nigeria have been collected in order to determine the a
本刊1995年第11期P35上证明了 在△ABC中,若A、B、C为三角形三内角,则有 sinA/n+sinB/n+sinC/n≤3sinπ/3n ①从原证明看出,n应为自然数,其实①还可改进为: 命题 在△ABC