〔问疑解难〕 1、要重点记现代文学的哪些作家作品? 中国现代文学的作家作品较多,初中语文课本出现的重点应记如下: 鲁迅先生选自《朝花夕拾》的散文《从百草园到三味书屋》、《联野先生》;选自《呐喊》的小说《一件小事》、《故乡》、《孔乙己》及《社戏》;选自《坟》的杂文《论雪峰塔的倒掉》和选自《二心集》的杂文《“友邦惊诧”论》。郭沫若的诗《天上的街市》。茅盾的散文《第比利斯的地下印刷所》和抒情散文《白杨礼赞》。
(Questions and Answers) 1. What writer’s works of modern literature should be remembered? There are many writer’s works in modern Chinese literature, and the focus of junior school Chinese textbooks should be noted as follows: Mr. Lu Xun is selected from the essays of “Towards Flowers in the Morning”. From Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Book House and Mr. Lianye; from the novel “The Little Thing”, “Hometown”, “Kong Yiji” and “Social Drama”, and the essay “On Xuefeng” from “The Grave”. The Tower’s Discarded and the Essay of “The Two Hearts Collection”, “The Theory of Afraid Contempt.” Guo Moruo’s poem “The Market in the Sky”. Mao Dun’s prose “The Underground Printing House in Tbilisi” and the lyric prose “Poplar Lily”.