关于抗日民族统一战线中独立自主原则提出的时间问题,目前虽然有几种不同的观点,但基本上都认为它提出于1937年a而笔者认为,它是在抗战爆发前随着统一战线口号的提出而提出,并且同统一战线问题一样,其思想有一个从不完善到完善的发展过程。本文准备分三个阶段对抗战爆发前统■战线中独立自主思想的提出及其形成过程作一尝试性探讨,以求教于同仁。一最初提出阶段 (1931.9—1935.1 2) 1931年“九·一八”事变后,中国共产党首先举起了抗日救国大旗,提出了“以民族革命战争驱逐日本帝国主义出中国”的口号。随
Although there are several different points of view on the time proposed by the principle of independence and self-determination in the anti-Japanese national united front, it is generally believed that it was put forward in 1937a and the author believes that it was proposed before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War with the slogan of the United Front And put forward, and the same as the issue of the united front, the idea of a never perfect to perfect development process. This article is ready to make a tentative discussion on the proposition and formation process of the independent ideology in the front line of the Anti-Japanese War in three phases in order to teach to my colleagues. After the initial proposal (1931.9-1935.1 2) of September 18, 1931, the Chinese Communist Party first raised the banner of resisting Japan and saving the nation and put forward the slogan of “expelling Japanese imperialism out of China by means of a national revolutionary war.” With